Saturday, May 14, 2011

Earth Day Success!

Earth Day in Ojai
Bob Davidson pictured as Bag Monster

Earth Day in Ventura
Sadie Iverson pictured as Bag Monster

Earth Day in Ojai
Bob Davidson pictured as Bag Monster

Thanks to all who came out and stopped by the booth! Hope to see you at the 4th of July Street Fair!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Truth

"Out of sight should not mean out of mind. The plastic bags we use, then cast aside, do not simply disappear, nor do they get digested by wildlife ... They clog our landfills, pollute our oceans, and use up precious energy to manufacture. How much easier to simply carry reusable bags with you? It’s worked for Collingwood, New Zealand, one of the first towns in the world to go bag-less—it’s time for it to work here, too."

Well said Lee! Go here for the full article.